What kind of resources are in the Archives?


The Susquehanna University Archives has artifacts from the Missionary Institute of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (1858-1895) and Susquehanna University, (1895-present). There is also information from the Susquehanna Female College (1858-1874). 

There are items such as photographs, documents, letters, correspondences, and other memorabilia relating to the history of the university. 

Notable collections include minutes from the original Boards of Directors, faculty meeting minutes and 19th century gradebooks, as well as photographs, slides, films and audio recordings, and memorabilia. Personal papers include those of Roger Blough and Franklin Kury. The archives also has a modest collection of rare books from the 16th-18th centuries.


  • Last Updated May 23, 2023
  • Views 56
  • Answered By Amanda Boyer

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